BodyWise Mind

Unveiling the 4 Pillars of SMGI®: A Journey from Skeptic to Believer

Welcome, dear readers! I’m Raji Navis, here to introduce you to the enchanting world of SMGI®, or Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®. If you’re looking for a substance-free, mind-body connection experience, you’ve come to the right place. Watch the video or listen to the podcast till the end, where Gina guides us through a beautiful mindfulness meditation to connect with our inner wisdom. Okay, let’s dive into how SMGI® transformed my life and how it can bring profound changes to yours too.


  • What is SMGI®?
  • My Crossroads: The Gift that Changed Everything
  • The Three-Legged Stool Metaphor
  • Breaking Down the Four Pillars of SMGI®
    • Somatic (Body): Connecting with physical sensations.
    • Mindfulness: Being present without judgment.
    • Guided: Having a skilled guide to navigate your journey.
    • Imagery: Using the power of imagination to unlock inner wisdom.
  • Experiencing the Inner World: A Journey Like No Other
  • Science Meets Ancient Wisdom
  • Upcoming Episodes

What is SMGI®? A Holistic Approach to Healing

Let’s start with the essentials. SMGI®, or Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®, is a unique, substance-free therapeutic method that merges the body (Soma), mindfulness, guided support, and imagery. Think of it as a powerful, transformative practice that taps into the depths of your inner wisdom. Intrigued? Let’s delve deeper!

In my previous blog, I wrote about my journey from skeptic to believer. I’m in my mid-fifties, not too keen on revisiting the psychiatrist or psychologist route I explored in my twenties. My brother, ever the insightful soul, gifts me three sessions with Gina Vance. My first thought? “This is way too woohoo for my engineering logical and analytical brain!” Yet, desperation and curiosity led me to try it, and boy, did it change my world.

Imagine your goals as a seat on a three-legged stool. The legs? They are connecting to resources, clearing away clutter, and embracing your inner world. This metaphor perfectly captures the essence of SMGI®, guiding you to a balanced and fulfilling life.

Breaking Down the Four Pillars of SMGI®

SMGI® brings together four critical elements:

  1. Somatic (Body): Connecting with physical sensations.
  2. Mindfulness: Being present without judgment.
  3. Guided: Having a skilled guide to navigate your journey.
  4. Imagery: Using the power of imagination to unlock inner wisdom.

These elements work together to create a profound shift in your inner and outer worlds.

Somatics: Connecting to the Body

In SMGI®, somatics is about tuning into your body’s sensations. It’s like having a heart-to-heart with your gut, brain, and every cell in between. This connection helps you access your inner resources and wisdom.

Mindfulness: Beyond Conventional Practices

 Mindfulness in SMGI® isn’t about forcing non-judgmental thoughts or ideas on what directions to take in the inner journey. It’s about embracing whatever comes up, making it a more natural and less resistant practice.

Guided: Your Journey, Your Guide

The guided aspect of SMGI® is like having a sherpa guide for your inner world. As an SMGI® practitioner, I serve as a supportive guide, not a therapist or coach. I am there to help you navigate your journey, offering gentle guidance and pointing out paths you might not have noticed. It’s your adventure, and I am there to ensure you make the most of it.

Imagery: The Power of Imagination

Imagery in SMGI® taps into the boundless realm of your imagination. Far from being just daydreams, these images are powerful tools for healing and transformation. Whether you see vivid pictures or simply feel sensations, your imagination is a bridge to your subconscious, helping you unlock insights and shift your inner landscape.

Science Meets Ancient Wisdom

SMGI® beautifully connects the dots between cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom. For instance, consider studies on epigenetics that show how trauma responses can be inherited through generations . This scientific insight aligns with what many ancient traditions have long known—our experiences are deeply interconnected and passed down through generations.

In the realm of SMGI®, the rules of reality are fluid. You might find yourself flying across vast landscapes, breathing underwater, or confronting past traumas in a safe, imaginative space. This journey allows you to become the hero of your own story, rewriting past experiences and emerging empowered.

Upcoming Insights: Exploring the Depths of SMGI®

Stay tuned for future episodes where Gina Vance the creator of SMGI® and I dive deeper into each aspect of SMGI®—somatics, mindfulness, guided and imagery. We’ll explore these elements, share personal stories, and uncover the profound impact they can have on your life.

Before I wrap up, if you’re watching the video or listening to the podcast, stay till the end for a simple yet profound guided mindfulness meditation by Gina. This practice will help you connect with your inner wisdom and experience the essence of SMGI® first hand.

If you’re curious about how SMGI® can transform your life, I invite you to a free 30-minutes initial consult. Let’s embark on this journey together and uncover the magic within you.


I am Raji Navis. My ‘BodyWise Mind’ SMGI® work is rooted in the inherent connection between the body’s wisdom and the mind. By tapping into the body’s innate intelligence, I guide you towards emotional healing, mental clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose.

The SMGI® approach integrates mindfulness, guided imagery, and somatic techniques to unlock your subconscious potential.

On this path, you’ll discover your innate power and freedom to change patterns in your relationships, health, and career.

The path you walk through life cannot replicate in any way in any other person’s life. Your inner journey through SMGI® is uniquely yours, and you get to clear clutters that are limiting you and release or recover parts of you that need your attention.

SMGI® accesses both the mind and body, the right and left brain, and the conscious and subconscious, in a balanced way to find your own solution that is right for you. You own it and are empowered by it paving the way for a brighter, empowered future filled with freedom, growth, joy, and boundless potential.