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Discover the Transformative Power of Guided Imagery in SMGI®

Today, we’re diving into the guiding aspect of SMGI®, an approach that offers profound insights and healing through the power of guided imagery. You can also watch the video or listen to the podcast.

As a child growing up in a small town in India, I was deeply inspired by the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. A quote from the book that has always resonated with me is: “Do not believe what your eyes are telling you. They show only limitation. Look with your understanding and find out what you already know. You will see the way to fly.” This sentiment perfectly captures the essence of SMGI®, where the journey within is limitless and transformative. In this post, we’ll explore how guided imagery within SMGI® can help you find your way to fly.

  • Understanding Guided Imagery in SMGI®
  • The Role of the Guide in SMGI®
  • Client Empowerment and Inner Wisdom
  • Emotional Responses and Healing
  • Celebrating Subtle Transformations
  • The Healing Power of Relationships
  • Embracing the Healing Process

Understanding Guided Imagery in SMGI®

The guided aspect of SMGI® is truly unique, offering a distinct experience for each journeyer. Unlike traditional roles like therapists, teachers, or gurus, SMGI® guides serve as Sherpas on your inner journey. Just like a Sherpa helps climbers navigate Mount Everest, SMGI® guides facilitate your journey within, respecting that it’s your journey. This analogy emphasizes that while the guide offers expertise and support, the journeyer ultimately controls their path and triumphs. In the inner world of SMGI®, the rules are different, allowing for a more profound and personal exploration of one’s inner landscape.

The Role of the Guide in SMGI®

In SMGI®, the guide’s role is pivotal yet non-intrusive. Our primary rule is that the journeyer cannot hurt themselves, the guide, or their surroundings. This ensures a safe space for inner exploration. The guide does not give advice, diagnose, or prescribe; rather, they maintain a judgment-free zone. This approach fosters an environment where the journeyer can freely connect with their inner wisdom. By providing options and prompts, guides help journeyers navigate their inner worlds without imposing their perspectives. This method ensures that whatever arises in the journeyer’s experience takes precedence over any external input from the guide.

Client Empowerment and Inner Wisdom

SMGI® is built on the philosophy that there’s nothing wrong with the journeyer; instead, each person is a heroic soul on a journey of self-discovery. This perspective honors the power and beauty within every individual. As guides, we recognize that the journeyer is not broken or defective. Each journeyer has already overcome significant challenges, and our role is to respect and honor their essential self. This profound respect for the journeyer’s inner wisdom allows them to feel empowered and validated, leading to deeper healing and transformation.

Emotional Responses and Healing

In SMGI®, emotional responses are celebrated, not suppressed. Unlike traditional clinical hypnosis, which might view intense emotions as abreactions to be managed, SMGI® sees them as essential expressions of the journeyer’s experience. We start by helping clients connect to a sense of safety and then invite in comforting presences. This creates a supportive environment where emotions can flow freely. When emotions arise, they are honored as part of the journeyer’s healing process. This approach contrasts sharply with older methods that might shut down emotions. Instead, SMGI® guides gently remind journeyers of their strength and capability, encouraging them to explore and honor their experiences.

Celebrating Subtle Transformations

Often, the changes that occur through SMGI® are gentle and organic, making them seem almost magical. Clients may not always recognize the work done together, attributing their progress to other factors or simply to chance. Yet, these subtle shifts are profound. For instance, a client with a long-standing driving phobia might suddenly find herself able to drive distances she hadn’t been able to in years, without realizing it was the work of SMGI® that facilitated this change. This gentle, non-intrusive nature of SMGI® allows for profound transformations without creating resistance or fear.

The Healing Power of Relationships

While the journeyer creates their change, they do so within the context of a supportive relationship with their guide. This dynamic mirrors the broader truth that we heal in relationships, just as we are wounded in them. SMGI® acknowledges that the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. By guiding journeyers to connect with and honor different parts of themselves, SMGI® helps them achieve greater wholeness and ease. This inner harmony naturally extends to outer relationships, enhancing overall well-being and fulfilment. learn more.

Embracing the Healing Process

In SMGI®, we guide journeyers to gently connect with parts of themselves that need attention. This process often starts with physical sensations, leading to deeper emotional and psychological insights. Honoring these experiences is crucial for healing. By recognizing and empathizing with parts of themselves, journeyers can release long-held energies and emotions. This gentle yet profound process allows for authentic healing, honouring the journeyer’s entire experience without fear or judgment.

By integrating these principles, SMGI® offers a powerful, respectful, and transformative approach to inner healing. Whether you’re facing old traumas or seeking new insights, SMGI® guides you to honour and embrace every part of your journey, empowering you to find your way to fly. My SMGI® offers help you create richer, meaningful relationships.

Conclusion: The Path to True Transformation

In conclusion, SMGI® offers a unique and powerful approach to inner healing through the use of guided imagery. By working with a skilled guide, you can explore your inner world in a safe, non-judgmental environment, empowering you to connect with your inner wisdom and experience profound personal growth.  transformative path to wholeness.

Watch the video or listen to the podcast for detailed discussion about ‘Guided’ in SMGI® with its creator Gina Vance. And stay till the end as Gina guides us through a wonderful 5 mins guided meditation to get the essence of SMGI®.

If you’re curious about how SMGI® can transform your life, I invite you to a free 30-minute initial consultation. Let’s embark on this journey together and uncover the magic within you.


I am Raji Navis. My ‘BodyWise Mind’ SMGI® work is rooted in the inherent connection between the body’s wisdom and the mind. By tapping into the body’s innate intelligence, I guide you towards emotional healing, mental clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose.

The SMGI® approach integrates mindfulness, guided imagery, and somatic techniques to unlock your subconscious potential.

On this path, you’ll discover your innate power and freedom to change patterns in your relationships, health, and career.

The path you walk through life cannot replicate in any way in any other person’s life. Your inner journey through SMGI® is uniquely yours, and you get to clear clutters that are limiting you and release or recover parts of you that need your attention.

SMGI® accesses both the mind and body, the right and left brain, and the conscious and subconscious, in a balanced way to find your own solution that is right for you. You own it and are empowered by it paving the way for a brighter, empowered future filled with freedom, growth and boundless potential.