BodyWise Mind

Evidence Based Research & Books

Caution: Research is Ever-Evolving! What we know today may be outdated tomorrow.

Take depression treatment, for example. It was once believed to be a result of a chemical imbalance, treated primarily with medication. However, this approach is now being questioned. Recent findings, including those discussed by Dr. Nassir Ghaemi in Psychology Today, reveal that the serotonin hypothesis of depression has been debunked. Depression is not merely a “chemical imbalance,” challenging long-held beliefs and opening doors to new therapeutic possibilities.

Exploring Science and SMGI®: Embrace Curiosity Beyond Facts

Science isn’t a static set of facts but a dynamic methodology that evolves over time. What we consider cutting-edge today may seem primitive in the future. This adaptability is the strength of the scientific method—it encourages us to continually question, explore, and redefine our understanding. If you’re like me and want to understand why and how things work through a scientific framework, yet remain curious and open enough to explore beyond what is proven today, then reach out to me. The inner world you discover through SMGI® may just change how you make sense of our world.

Research and SMGI®: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

I’ve listed below some of the research papers and evidence-based studies on somatic experience, the mind-body connection, mindfulness, and guided imagery, which are all elements of SMGI®. However, SMGI® (Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®) uniquely blends these components into a deceptively simple yet profoundly effective practice. While each element is supported by evidence-based research, specific studies exploring their combined impact through SMGI® are yet to emerge.

Bridging the Mind-Body Gap in an AI-Driven World with SMGI®

As our world grows more complex and artificial intelligence expands, the gap between body and mind widens. SMGI® offers a straightforward, enjoyable way to restore this connection, helping us live a more integrated and vibrant life. If you’re inspired to explore SMGI® through scientific research, please get in touch with me. Your work could have a lasting impact on humanity.

Enjoy reading and broadening your perspective. Please note that some links may no longer work as websites update their information over time.